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Sustainable Future
Sustainability Improvements and Maintenance of Real Estate
2022- present

About Omdus

OMDUS has been formed through the merger of Caspar de Haan, De Variabele and United Legendz, three innovative family businesses spread across the Netherlands. OMDUS strives to become an industry leader that fully unburdens her clients in terms of sustainability management and maintenance of real estate. The collaboration within the holding enables both companies with strong regional profiles to better meet the increasingly complex and growing demands of housing corporations and care homes. By doing so, the organisations contribute to improving the sustainability of affordable housing. The companies have merged to one group, but both organisations operate under their own names.


WebsiteCaspar de Haan & De Variabele


For more information on De Variable & Casper de Haan, contact NPM Capital, Anna Sleddering via

NPM Portret01316 - Anna

“Together with NPM, Omdus pursues an active buy-and-build strategy, accelerating the transition to sustainable living.”

Anna Sleddering

Senior Investment Manager